Four Great Teachers Are Retiring – Mandlawitz, Sepe, Bloom, Bierbauer

Please submit your comments if you had any of them as teachers.

On March 15th at 8pm in rooms 170-72, retirements will be accepted for the following SHS staff: Lynda Mandlawitz, Stephen Sepe, Arthur Bloom and Barbara Bierbauer. Julie Hoofnangle, SHS PTA President,  will be giving a speech on behalf of parents, students and alumni. 
Please share with Julie, any comments you would like to make about Ms.  
Mandlawitz, Mr. Sepe, Mr. Bloom and Ms. Bierbauer. They will love to hear comments. Your input will truly make this meeting special for them. You can send your comments to [email protected]

Please send your comments before March 14th, so that she can include them in her speech. She will include your name with your comments.  

Please feel free to forward this email to others that you may know that would like to make comments on behalf of the retiring SHS staff.

In addition, if you would like to come and congratulate the retiring staff please attend the March 15th BOE meeting in rooms 170-72 at 8pm.
