IN DECEMBER 1999, then US Representative to the United Nations (UN) Richard Holbrooke (SHS 1958) visited Zambia as part of his 12-nation tour of Africa. In the company of Senator Russ Feingold, a Democrat from Wisconsin with the late Mwansabombwe MP Rodgers Mwewa and several other US officials, Holbrooke took a walk from some place I do not remember to the Fountain of Hope in Kamwala.
Here, Mwewa was keeping around 600 street kids.
I covered this walk and this visit for the Voice of America. I had come to know about Fountain of Hope through the late Sydney, who was popularly known in theatre circles as “Sido”. I remember Sido even telling me about the board Rodgers Mwewa was trying to put together to help run Fountain of Hope. He even extended an invitation to me to join the board. I can’t remember what my response was, but I never sat on the board.
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