Victoria Rede (SHS 1976)


Victoria Redel is a woman of courage. See her Bandy quotation: “Oh why don’t you work like other men do? “How the hell can I work when the sky is so blue?”
Or see her decision to go to Dartmouth College so soon after it went co-ed. Redel also earned a Masters in Fine Arts from Columbia University.

As an academic, she has been incredibly productive, not only stimulating generations of students at Sarah Lawrence College, but also teaching in the graduate writing program at Columbia.  Among her works are a collection of short stories Where the Road Bottoms Out, Already theWorld (Poetry), Swoon  (Poetry), Loverboy   (a novel – was made into a film by Kevin Bacon, won a Silver Literary Fiction Prize and was selected by the Los Angeles Times as a “best book” in 2001.) The Border of Truth (a novel, was published in 2007.)  More to come!
