George Mccracken (SHS 1954)
After graduating from Scarsdale High School, George McCracken matriculated at Williams College and Cornell University Medical College. Following his residency and two years at the National Institute of Health, McCracken joined the pediatric faculty at the University of Texas. With the exception of some visiting professorships, he has been there ever since.
Read moreEric Rothschild (SHS 1954)
While the caption placed under Eric Rothschild’s name in the 1954 Bandersnatch yearbook no doubt ably captured his high school accomplishments, the Bandy editors could not possibly have known how perfectly their moniker for him, Wonder Boy, would serve to capture the breadth and range of his many achievements in the years to come.
Read moreNancy Roth (SHS 1954)
After graduating from Scarsdale High School, Roth attended Oberlin College where she earned a B.A, .in Music. In 1977 she enrolled in the General Theological Seminary and received a Masters Degree in Divinity in 1981 with honors. That December she was ordained to the Episcopal Priesthood. While living in Scarsdale, Roth taught a generation of students the joys of dance and music. And once back in her beloved Oberlin, she turned to her pen and her love of learning to get ever more people involved in spirituality.